Our ALS Walk Team Kup & Company
Do you ever feel out of touch with the world. That's whats going on with me right now. I rarely go out, maybe a couple of times a month, because the truth Is I simply do not trust anyone with Mr.K. He Is so helpless he can do nothing so his life would rest In their hands. One of my worst fears Is that something would happen when I was gone and they wouldn't no what to do yet It be a very simple thing that I could of easily fixed. That truly scares me.
I feel that I know some of you really well so I thought I would start sharing a little of my life with you from time to time. The reason I never blogged about my ALS life Is because I never wanted anyone to feel sorry for me. This Is where I feel my life Is right now.
I am truly blessed to be able to stay home and care for Mr.K. When Mr.K was diagnosed I was only 37 years old. I have many challenges In my life but the rewards are so much greater. Mr.K makes me laugh, he makes me cry, he makes me smile and yes he does make me mad sometimes. God has put this task of caring for my Husband In my hands. He has given me the strength to get through each day with dignity and grace.
My life Is what It Is. I can choose to be happy or choose to be sad but It Is entirely up to me. I choose to be happy.
Have a wonderful week end,