Monday, June 22, 2009

Twitter, Face Book, Etsy Oh My

Today's post Is about social networking. How In the world do you keep up, You can't.
My time as It Is, Is pulled In many directions. I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, where am I going to get the most exposure. We all know If you don't keep your Etsy shop fresh you get lost In the millions of listing that have come after yours and you can't really post a tweet and run about something you posted In your shop, now that just wouldn't be proper Twitter etiquette, now would It. There Is also Face Book fan page that I recently started and Is doing great. The concept of that Is people opt In to except emails from me about sales or new jewelry listed, things like that. But the thing there Is how much Is to much, once a week, twice a week, who knows. I say stop the Insanity....yikes ! what In the world did we ever do without this technology before. Oh, there are several sites out there that tell you this exact Information but you almost need a degree to figure that out.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this and what you do.

Have a great Monday,


gail said...

Hi Kathi,, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love getting visits from you and I am always so inspired by all you do.
Man, as far as social networking, I am lost here too. I love blogging and its by far my favorite. I wasnt a huge facebook fan, but now have met up with old friends and relatives and thats been great. Not so much to do with my business though. I just dont get twitter at all. That seems like a competition to get the most followers. It all takes an incredible amount of time that I just dont have. I find its really taking time from working in my studio. So for now, I blog and post on facebook every couple days and thats it. I want to get my etsy shop going again, but as you said, I have to be prepared to stay on top of that or you get lost. I hope we all find that happy middle ground! lol But keep on blogging. Your blog is beautiful! Happy creating,, hugs, gail

SCJ Jewelry Design said...

I too, find I spend waaaay too much time following blogs and facebook. I will not twitter; I see it as a nuisance, both professionally and personally. I try to post at least 2 items per week on etsy, but my hits are down there in the past month or two. I wish I had a magic assistant who could do all my communicating for me because it does take time away from what I love to do - making jewelry. I do enjoy reading fellow blogger's posts (or at least skimming them) and I post on my own blog at least once per week lately. The people that post daily are the ones I tend to just skim and not actually read. Too much information!

The Jeweled Postcard said...

Oh my friend Kathi! What aq cute post ;) Now you know I agree with you! Wish we could get those books out you bought and find the magic anwser in one of them!

Can't wait to read more comments!


Anonymous said...

Kathi...I don't know how you do what you do! I know between personal stuff, blogging and Etsy (which is super slow)...I don't have enough time now. I will say, however that the last couple of orders I have received have been from my blogging, either on my posts or somewhere else.
All of the updating is time consuming, so there has to be a magic balance somewhere, hmmmm!
Great post here...will watch for more comments.

Cheryl said...

I didn't get the tweetering and don't think I want to now! How true is the whole time factor thing!

SecondChanceChicken said...

Twitter, FB and blogging that's my focus and just started my first giveaway. That's how I found you on the etsygiveaway site. i am an RN, mainly peds but have taken care of several ALS pts. A lot of work for the family! You are earning a special place in heaven.