Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flowering Crabapple Tree

Hard to believe that this Is the same tree doesn't It. This tree Is In my Moms yard and being that she Is my next door neighbor I get to enjoy It too.

It Is a beautiful sunny day here In the heartland although the allergy Index Is high It Is still manageable.

Today I will be listing some new pieces In my Etsy Shop. So pop on over later today for a visit I'll have the tea on all day.

Have a grand Tuesday,


Splendid Little Stars said...

love the 2 seasons photos! Happy

The Jeweled Postcard said...

Wow Kathi! That tree is gorgeous♥ We have pretty much lost our tree in the middle of our back yard ;(( I'd love to replace with one like that! Have a great day my friend (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Kathi - for your inspiring creations and blogging - you've received an award - check out my blog!

Have a great day!


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

What a gorgeous tree! There is nothing like a flowering crabapple with the color. The ice is kind of nice too but glad it's gone!

SharDon Exclusives said...

What beauty! I also love the color of your blog background, so refreshing. Your jewelry is absolutely gorgeous but I think I already said that at least a couple of other times!!!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Kathi how could I have missed your sale this weekend!? I am so behind and it seems I paid the price this time. I love the rings and will pay better attention to my blogging for your next sale...
I will try your Baked french Toast recipe this weekend...wish me luck as I am not the best cook in the outfit...
Miss Peach send her purrrrs to Miss Tinkerbelle

Anonymous said...

That little tree is spectacular~love both seasons! So cool that your mom is right next door, too!
